Sunday, August 26, 2012

Health Benefits of Tea

Behold! The Health Benefits of Tea!



For centuries tea has been recognized in China for its role in healthy lifestyles. As you may know, Chinese Green Tea is one of the more popular types of Chinese Tea. Many people, not only the Chinese, consider it as the most refreshing drink for sweltering summers. Green tea is cool to the taste buds, light and refreshing.
Green Tea Leaves


The health benefits of Chinese Green Tea have been known throughout the world. The Chinese have known about these medicinal benefits since ancient times, because they have used it to treat ailments ranging from headaches to depressions. Drinking Green Tea has benefits for medicinal conditions such as cancers, impaired immune function, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, infection and high cholesterol levels. It also reduces stress and regulates ageing.


Black Tea Leaves

Unlike Green Tea, Chinese Black Tea is completely oxidized (fermented). In China, it is called red tea in reference to the color of the infused liquid or to the red edges of the oxidized leaves, as opposed to the color of the main body of the processed tea leaves. It tastes thick and robust, and is often blended with other flavors, creating different but rich and exquisite tastes. 


Regular consumption of Chinese Black Tea can reduce the risks of stroke as they help to regulate blood circulation. Plain Black Tea without sweeteners or addictives contains negligible quantities of calories, protein, sodium and fat.

Oolong Tea Leaves

Oolong Tea is a semi-fermented tea combining the best characteristics of an un-oxidized green tea and fully oxidized black tea. The taste of the tea is very rich. It can be sweet and fruity, or woody and thick, or green and fresh, all depending on the horticulture and style of production.


Oolong benefits have been known for a long time in China. The most well known health benefits are its effects on the prevention of obesity and active contribution in weight loss. It also assists in combating the ageing of skin, preventing heart disease and cancer, reducing high blood pressure, improving vitality and life span, strengthening teeth to prevent tooth decay, relieving stress, treating skin problems and lowering blood sugar levels.

PU-ERH TEA (普洱茶)
Pu-Erh Tea Leaves


Pu-Erh tea, also known as aged or vintage tea, is another of China’s great treasures. Its production is highly regulated to ensure the highest quality and authenticity. Only aged tea that comes from Yunnan province can be called Pu-Erh tea.


Pu-erh is well known for its medicinal benefits. Besides being the perfect drink on a cold day, it is good for the digestive system and removes lactic acid from the tired body. Furthermore, it improves the immune system and stamina. It can be drunk as an alternative to herbal cooling tea.


White Tea Leaves

It is a lightly oxidized tea, and its name is derived from the fine silvery white hairs on the unopened buds of the tea plant, which gives the plant a whitish color. The beverage itself is pale yellow in color. It is light and delicately smooth and is the least processed tea, undergoing just steaming and drying, leaving it close to its natural state.


Like Black and Green Tea, White Tea is also derived from the same plant, Camellia sinensis, hence they share the same health effects. White Tea is found to reduce cholesterol, decrease blood pressure, and improve the function of blood vessels hence decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Studies have also shown that it reduces the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, and slows down ageing.

Yellow Tea Leaves


Yellow Tea generally has a very yellow-green appearance and a smell different from both White Tea and Green Tea. It does not have the grassy taste of Green Tea. It is a rare variety of tea that was described as a high quality tea that was served at the Imperial Court in the past. Similar to White Tea, It is light and delicately smooth and is the other least processed tea, undergoing just steaming and drying, leaving it close to its natural state.


Since Yellow Tea is often harvested while the leaves are still very young, they contain more antioxidants which have beneficial effects on cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, some cancers and mental agility. It also promotes longevity.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Holy Trinity to a Good pot of Chinese Tea

Tea. [茶]

It sounds like stating the obvious that tea of better grade would taste better than that of the inferior quality, but that isn't the main point of this stated factor.
The Main point would be the understanding of the characteristics of tea. With this understanding, you would be able to know the correct quantity of tea leaves to be used, the suitable temperature and the perfect brewing time for a good cup of tea.

Water. [水]

The quality of the water greatly affects the taste of the tea. Spring water, Morning dew and tap water creates a totally different experience for drinkers, the same applies for coffee too. But, having said all these, it is best that the water used is of neutral pH and as tasteless as possible in order for one to experience the true taste of the tea.
The Temperature of the water is essential for a good cuppa too. This goes back to the point of understanding tea. If the water temperature is too high for a particular type of tea leaves used, the tea leaves would be scalded and an undesirable bitter aftertaste would be produced. If the temperature is too low, one would not be able to extract the taste out from the tea leaves.
Time. [时]
Ever felt that the tea was very rough in your throat? That was probably because you had brewed the tea for way too long. Time is of the next important essence. When it comes to tea brewing, it's how you achieve "Al Dente" of that particular type of tea. Tea contains a lot of subtle and hidden flavors, so if you ever over brew it, some of its dominating characteristics will overshadow the weaker ones. On the other hand, the taste of the tea will not be produced if the waiting time is insufficient.

These are the very basics of brewing a Good pot of pot, yet they are also the most important aspect of tea brewing. After achievement of the perfection of the Holy Trinity of tea brewing, then one can truly bring out the True Taste of tea.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

photoshoot FUN(d)

Would like to share some of the candid shots that were taken by the photographer. haha..

quite interesting... hmmm.. lol

drinking tea yo

blank blank~

warm warm feel hor?

rope in a friend to do a photoshoot for me

in all seriousness..

change clothes yo

drink tea. gives u muscles


friends at tea chapter. =)
more photos will be uploaded in the future blogs. stay tune hor! 


9 neil road TEA CHAPTER

The benefits of traditional Chinese Tea

The benefits of Oolong Tea
Although not as widely studied as Green Tea, the benefits of Oolong Tea are proving quite surprising. Like Green Tea, Oolong Tea is high in antioxidants and is beneficial in the fight against cancer, high blood pressure, cholesterol, obesity, and eczema. Tests are ongoing and we look forward to what new discoveries await. Click the link below to learn more about the health benefits of Oolong Tea.

The health benefits of Red Tea
Until recently it was thought that due to the fermentation process of Red Tea, that it had few health benefits. Recent studies have been quite startling. It turns out that Red Tea has remarkable health benefits and it is expected that even more benefits will be forthcoming. Click the link below to learn all about the health benefits of Red Tea.

White Tea health benefits
Although the health benefits of Green Tea are widely known, the health benefits of White Tea have not been as widely studied. Recent research has shown that in many ways, White Tea's health benefits actually are more effective than Green Teas'. Click the link below to learn more about White Teas' health benefits.

The benefits of Yellow Tea
Yellow Tea is the rarest category of Chinese tea and it has one of the most impressive list of health benefits of any type of tea. As with most teas, the health benefits of Yellow Tea has only recently been studied, but more surprises are being uncovered on a monthly basis.

Green Tea health benefits
Probably the most famous of them all is the Green Tea. The benefits of Green Tea are the most widely known and studied. high in antioxidants, is helpful in the fight against cancer, high blood pressure, and weight loss. Click the link below to learn more about the health benefits of Green Tea.

The health benefits of Dark Tea
The benefits of Chinese Tea are known to many people, but Dark Tea, which is barely known outside of China offers many surprising benefits. Dark Tea has many robust varieties of tea and is becoming more popular as its health benefits are being discovered.

Photoshoot for Tea Chapter

Ever since i started working at Tea Chapter, I have always wanted to get an update on the photos of the place. so finally, today, i got a friend to help out and took some pictures to update Tea Chapter.

traditional feel eh? haha

Stairway that leads up into the tea house

our traditional Chinese set up

the stairway that leads up to level 3

here we have the Japanese set up

Level 2 corridor.

the most famous seat in Tea Chapter.
There alot more photos and i will really time to go through them. Really happy to have taken this first step out. alright. ONWARDS!!!!